Canvas Support

Google Meet in Canvas

Google Meet is available inside Canvas for Middle and High School teachers. There is an icon on the Canvas toolbar that connects to Google Meet and creates the link automatically for teachers. The link can be placed on the teacher's "start page" after it is created. Below is an image from Canvas indicating the Google Meet icon location.

FAQ: Canvas and PowerTeacher Grade Passback

How does PowerSchool work with Canvas?

The Canvas PowerSchool integration works bi-directionally:

How frequently are grades updated from Canvas to PowerSchool?

Grade passback from Canvas to PowerSchool is initiated when you sync grades from your Canvas course gradebook to PowerSchool. Depending on the amount of data, you may need to wait several minutes for the data to display in PowerSchool.

Note: To view recently synced grades in PowerSchool, you may need to refresh your PowerSchool browser tab.

What information is included in a Canvas-to-PowerSchool sync?

The following assignment information is included when you sync grades from Canvas to PowerSchool:

How do Canvas assignment groups and PowerTeacher categories relate to one another?

To maintain cross-platform consistency, your Canvas assignment groups should mirror your PowerSchool grading categories. Learn about naming your Canvas assignment groups.

If a Canvas assignment group has the same name as a PowerSchool gradebook category, assignments are synced from the Canvas assignment group into the matching PowerSchool category. If a Canvas assignment group name does not match a grading category in PowerSchool, Canvas assignments and graded discussions sync to the Homework category in PowerSchool, and quizzes default to to the Quiz category. If you have not created grading categories in PowerSchool, then Canvas assignments and graded discussions sync to the Homework category in PowerSchool, and quizzes default to to the Quiz category.

Before an assignment is created in PowerSchool, you must grade the assignment in Canvas and sync it from Canvas to PowerSchool.

Note: If you create a Canvas assignment group named Assignment, Assignments, or Quizzes, these groups automatically associate with the default PowerSchool categories Homework and Quiz.

Are there specific requirements for an assignment to sync from Canvas to PowerSchool?

Canvas passes back any assignment, graded discussion, or quiz that you have configured for SIS sync in Canvas. Learn about setting up an assignment for SIS sync.  

Canvas PowerSchool grade passback works when your assignments meet the following criteria:

Guides about creating assignments in Canvas:

How do I use the Canvas gradebook to sync data to PowerSchool?

To make changes to your PowerSchool gradebook, first make the changes in your Canvas course gradebook and sync the information to PowerSchool. Following this best practice allows consistent data flow between systems and ensures accurate data in both systems.

Please be aware of the following behaviors in the Canvas gradebook:

How do I sync grades to PowerSchool?

Canvas supports an API-based integration for the PowerSchool Gradebook. Learn how to sync grades from Canvas to PowerSchool.

Note: If you don't see an option to sync grades in the Gradebook, please contact your SIS administrator or Canvas Support for assistance.

How do I view grades from Canvas in PowerSchool?

After syncing grades from Canvas, refresh the PowerSchool gradebook.

How do I sync grades from Canvas to PowerSchool for a concluded or closed course?

In Canvas, select the assignments, quizzes, and graded discussions for SIS sync. Then sync your grades from the Canvas gradebook to PowerSchool.

Print your own badges from Canvas! Watch the video the below for more details.

Watch our recorded sessions of Canvas Meet-Up on Microsoft Stream!

Directions on how to access Microsoft Stream are on the video to the right. 


I have used Canvas some, but I have specific questions? How can I find the answers?

Your best help comes from the Canvas Community.   There are written directions and video supports.

Your best option for quick self-help is to login to Canvas, click the question mark on the left menu, click the link called Training Services Portal and start the tutorial.